Pixie Dust?

When you are reminded to smile to start off your day,
when you are told that you're cute,
when you are reminded to cross the road carefully,
when you are forced to eat after starving for the whole day,
when you know whom to call after having a stressful day,
when you know who will listen to you when you're all in tears,
when you can't sleep because you're too scared and you know who 
will accompany you till you fall asleep,
when you can share the same type of meal and drink,
when you still allocate time for someone no matter how busy you are,
when you know want you wish to see and have in the future,
when you feel sick when he gets sick,
when you cry if he's sad,
when his happiness is your happiness.

Well, you don't really need to say your love.
All those little things do portray that four letter word,
and they're great enough.

ps, I am still sticking to my principle.

--To never say the three words to any guy, except for my life partner :)

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