The week I got sick and I am still sick

I had a very busy week last week,
I had test after test, demo after demo.
Such a crazy week.

One last midterm before the final weeks,
it was on Monday.

After the midterm, I went home
and took a nap because I was so tired and 
I woke up to bleeding nose.

My nose only bleeds when I turned on the heater,
this week, Montreal hits negative temperature
and I had to turn on the heater.

My nose hurts so much.

I went to my tutorial with my nose bleeding.
I had a severe headache the next morning and had to skip all my classes but my lab.

I went to the lab, trying to finish it, but we couldn't.
So we said we would continue on Friday.

On Wednesday, I was fine.
My nose did bleed in the morning but the most painful part was my throat.
It hurt so much.

It was Wednesday and I went to the pharmacy so I could buy nasal spray and anything for my throat.

The next morning, my throat hurt so badly that I couldn't even speak
and it gave me an earache.

I had to skip my class again and went to the clinic.
Cause I'm afraid if it's the virus infection that made my health gets worse.

I went to the clinic at noon,
it's a private clinic and oh boy, they said I had to wait for min of 3 hours just to see the doctor.
I've skipped classes, I might as well wait.

After 2 hours of registering, I had to see the nurse.

I had fever, my body temperature was pretty high 38.4degree.

Then the nurse told me to go home and come back at 5pm.

So I did.

It was -20degree outside and I walked home, 
for 30 minutes because I missed the bus.

The worst decision ever.
Thank God I was still alive.

At 5pm, I went back to the clinic with Nawwar and my name was called at 630pm.

I met the doctor and he checked my throat and he said it's virus infection
but he's afraid if it's tb.
So I had to wait for the next 10 minutes, then the nurse came,
she did tb test on me
and the next 30 minutes I got the result and I was free of tb.

I had to wait for my bills, it took them another hour to do so.
It cost me $170 for all of that.


So expensive. OKay probably the test was expensive but they didn't even prescribe me any medicine.
They're like, eat them panadols and you'd be fine.

I miss Malaysia.
Because doctors in Malaysia will treat me well.

Friday - I couldn't get out of bed, cause I was so much in pain.
I did my assignment on my bed cause it's due that night.

On Saturday, I supposed to meet up with groupmates for project,
and nope, my nose bleeds, it's even worse and I just stayed home.

I was a bit productive but I should stay home tomorrow too.

Because I can't afford to miss any other classes next week 
and next week I have so many project presentations help!

Pray for me.

You only know me by name

Do you believe in the importance of name?
I do.

I think my name is an essential aspect in my sense of individual identity.

What is my full name?

Before I let you know my full name,
let me clarify why my name is an important aspect of my life and 
reveal to you how well do you know me based on my name that you know.

My name is important because
1. I think my parents spent their entire 9 months thinking about it.
2. The meaning of my name is beautiful and to me, it gives me good luck

What is my full name?
Nur Aliah Syahmina Mohd Nazarudin

Nur means the light
Aliah means high, to ascend
Syahmina means the brilliant one

I am not sure about the meaning of dad's name: The last two names.

When I was in kindergarten till high school, people know me by the name of Aliah Syahmina.
Because there can't just be one Aliah in the school, 
and it happened to be other peoples' names are just Aliah. 
As someone who has a longer name, they call me, Aliah Syahmina.

The person who knows me by this name, they're my childhood friends, 
the person who sees me grow from a little kid who would spend her money on paper dolls.
They knew what I had to go through in high school.

Since the rising of social media, I used the name "Aliah Nazamusa" as my socmed handle. 
People from college and university, they call me Aliah Nazamusa 
and even in the university club matters,
 they will just use Aliah Nazamusa as my name. 
But when they asked for full name for the formality and official university records, 
I will correct them and tell them my full name. 
Everyone would be very surprised and the first thing that came out of their mouths was 
"Wow, it's so long!" 
I'm never offended, I just got used to it. 
It happened every time at the airport.

Different part of my name gives me different kind of vibes and 'spirit'.

For example, when I'm down and 
I feel anxious about what's coming tomorrow, I will tell myself, 
"It's okay, Aliah! You got this!" 
When I want to pamper myself,
 I will write myself a small cute note written
 "Dear Aliah Syahmina, you've done enough. You should be proud of you." 
When someone calls me by the name Syahmina, I feel more attached to the person.

But you know which name that people call me that give me strength and hope? 

My family ranges from my late great-grandparents 
until the youngest cousins in my family call me "kakak".
 "Kakak" is used to call the older sister. 
In my paternal side of the family, I am the first granddauther 
and I am the third one in my maternal side of the family, yet they still call me, 

I think, because they call me kakak since my second sister was born, 
I got used to the name. But the most important thing is that, 
the name comes with heavy responsibility. 
I always have to be the best "kakak" because I need to be a good example to my younger siblings. 
I need to set the bar high, I need to achieve many goals. 
If I can do it, my siblings will be motivated to achieve better goals than me. 
Although it sounds heavy and it has many expectations to meet, 
I appreciate being called "kakak" because I feel important. 

Name makes me feel important. 
It's not necessarily being recognized by the name,
 it's the feeling of being appreciated and feel that I actually matter. 
Why do couples call their spouses by sweet names? 
Because the names they call indicate affection and love. 
At least, that's what I feel.

And "Aliah Nazamusa" is like my alter ego. 
Aliah is the dominant part of my name. 
Why "Nazamusa"? 
It's a combination of my dad's name and late grandfather's name.
 Combining their names together and attach it to mine, makes a  stronger person.
 It's not that I'm being a completely different person, but she, Aliah Nazamusa, she's a brave person.  

She goes out of her comfort zone, be on an adventure,
  travels the world and she believes in herself more than anyone else did. 
She has experienced many hatred comments, but she is still standing strong. 
Those who know me by this name,
 are either friends from university or they only know me for less than a year 
and most likely they know me by the life I portraty on the socmed only haha.

Have you figured out where you stand? 
Haha, don't take it personally. I value each part of my name. 

I kinda don't like it when people misspell my name.
I don't mind when people misspell it for the first time,
but when people clearly have seen my name is spelled out as
"A-L-I-A-H" in my instagram handle or facebook name 
and they still prefer to call me Alia.

No, it's not me.

 Oh then again, don't feel bad. 
At least, you know my name. 
Some people just know me by "Oh that short girl in hijab" lol. 

Hi, my name is Nur Aliah Syahmina Mohd Nazarudin. 

Thank you for reading this.

More involved

I've been involved in school's activities since kindergarten.
Not being part of anything made me a boring person,
cause I always felt tired when I wasn't busy.

I need to have a routine, 
I need my schedule to be packed all the time,
so I could maximize my time.

But after getting into McGill,
I realized that my involvement wasn't as active as before,
in fact, it kinda dropped like an e^-x graph.

So I reflected upon my CV.

Okay, was it the engineering field or was it just me?
I had no idea.

 I was VP for a club, I volunteered a lot,
I danced, I was one of the photographers for many events at McGill.
But I didn't feel like I've done enough.

Disclaimer, I'm not bragging.
It's just, hm I felt kinda bad for not joining more engineering kind of stuff you know.

But sometimes,
I told myself,
"Well, Aliah. In high school, you didn't join any science-y stuff either.
You were part of the debating team, you volunteered here and there, lol.
And all the conferences you attended were all non-science stuff."

Yeah, tbh, I'm not into science.
I'm more into arts. 
But I love maths!
And I told myself that at least, 
I wanna have a science-based degree,
because I just want to challenge myself.
It's not that I think I'd do well,
I just feel the need of being out of my comfort zone
and do stuff at the extreme difficulty level lol.

Yeah, I signed up for engineering school,
I agreed to be in the path,
although this is all written,
I had a choice before.
Okay, my choice was to be in an engineering school in the UK
or a medical school in Malaysia.
I picked Canada.
Still science-y, but you got my point.
I chose this journey so I gotta finish it.

And about not being involved enough,
I think it's better that way.
I mean engineering is already killing me from the inside,
I gotta need to do something of less pressure, 
less hectic and more of something I love.

Today, I received an email from McGill Tribune,
they handle the McGill newspaper,
and they accepted my artworks!

I'm more than honored to be featured on the school newspaper.

And it feels good to have people appreciate my sense of photography haha!

Being more involved allows me to feel more connected to my school.
I like contributing as much as I can.
And I always tell myself;
"Work for a cause, not for an applause.
Make your absence felt, not your presence noticed."

I wish, one day, if I die,
at least one person on this Earth will say,
"she touches my heart. I will never forget her. May Allah place her in Jannah."

I can't keep up

There are days when I felt like I couldn't keep up,
with school.
School has been so draining,
my mind just got so tired at the end of the day.
Projects after projects.
Endless assignments,
one midterm after another.

Taking 18 credits this semester is no joke.

I woke up to dark circles,
and sometimes I couldn't sleep worrying about tomorrow's lab demo.

I know this suffering will be worth it 
because after the hectic week ended,
I felt relief and I know after this undergrad days end,
I will feel happy and relief but
most importantly,
I know I'll be missing these days.

Sleepless nights and unpeaceful state of mind.

Oh God, please help me get through this.

Will be featured on Redpath Youtube Channel

I never heard of Redpath Company till I got to Montreal.
Redpath is basically the company that supplies sugar and 
it sells all kind of sugar; brown sugar, white sugar, golden sugar, icing sugar!

Every time someone needs to bake something,
Redpath sugar will be on his/her list!

On Tuesday, Caryn invited me to join a free baking class.
Free? I'm in!
Plus, baking isn't really something that I'm good at and I would love to join a baking class.

Today (Saturday, Oct 27),
Caryn and I went to the baking class.

So this is not just a normal baking class.
It's a baking class that they will put on youtube and 
will be used for their advertisement whenever they need to come up with one.
But it'll be on their website and youtube channel, for sure.

Oh wow, for a sec, I never thought days like this would ever come.

It's like a legit filming situation.
With the director, the lightings, the cameras, the mics.

The interviews!


At first, I was a bit awkward
because I was not prepared for something like this.

But after a while, I got the hang of it and the crews were really
good at making everyone comfortable with the camera
and the other 5 people who'd be featured in the video
 did lift up the mood really well and were very supportive as well!
Everyone just clicked right away, they're so fun to work!

And being in a team with Caryn was amazing!
The teamwork was so natural,
we both knew what we're supposed to do 
without actually telling each other what we're supposed to do.

The important people of the team - Priscila, Victor, and Alessandra
They truly inspired me!
They do what they love for a living;
they turned their love for food to something that could pay their bills, basically.

Most of the people in the room are from McGill 
and Victor, he used to be a McGill graduate in Physics
and he even had PhD in physics and Redpath hired him for 
the marketing team, on top of him doing the food tour business as a side income.

We had to bake sugar cookie with cream cheese
but we had the flexibility to choose 
other flavors for the cookies that we were baking.

We're choosing a combination of lime and thyme
because both of them reminded us of home.

And they turned out gooood!

The others chose to put grapefruit and basil,
and lemon and lavender.

I learned so many things from the class,
all the tricks and tips that I should do when I'm baking
and I came to the realization that baking is actually an act of love
and patience is the key that I need lol.
Cause I could be very impatient hahaha!
We were all so happy with the final results and
for some reasons, I really love what I did today and
had been wondering if I could do this for a living.

Well, of course, I need to work on so many aspects 
to actually get there,
but we'll see.
Who knows in 10 years from now,
I would have my own cooking channel *tsk tsk*
or have a youtube channel that's legit and useful lol.

I'm so excited for the video to be on youtube
even though I'm not sure how long will I be in it 
(cause you know, there're other people also)
but I'm glad I did what I did today!

Such a wonderful experience
and something I would write, for the blog.

Lots of love.

Mont Tremblant: Hiking and Tonga Lumina

This year is my 4th (and final) year at McGill insyaAllah
and I've never been to Mont Tremblant before.

Last year, I almost went there (twice) but due to the health issue
and sad things that I went through last year, I had to stay at home.

This year, when I saw MSA McGill promoting Mont Tremblant Day-Trip event,
I decided to give it a chance, without actually decided on what to do there.

I looked upon activities to do at Mont Tremblant and 
the one that I was interested in doing was the luge.
And luge was what I didn't do lol.

Last Saturday, I finally went to Mont Tremblant
with the MSA. While on the bus, I still couldn't decide on what to do there.

When we reached Mont Tremblant, the organizer divided us (those who wanted to hike) into groups:
1. Hard trail (4-5 hours)
2. Medium trail (2-3 hours)
3. Easy trail (1-2 hours)

I decided to go for the medium trail.

I waited for Iman and Zain to come
because they had to drive here since they couldn't reserve their spots with the bus.
They had to park further away from the place where people started to hike
and took a free shuttle bus there.

As I waited for them,
I saw the poster for Tonga Lumina
and asked the person at the information center
about the event.

When Iman and Zain arrived,
I told them about the idea
to go to Tonga Lumina 
since I didn't think we'd ever come back to Mont Tremblant
till the last day of the event, Oct 14.

We googled about the event and we found:

"The Tonga Lumina illuminated trail is a sensory experience in the forest. This 1.5-km nocturnal walk takes place on a stone dust pathway at the heart of nature. To start off, visitors show up at the bottom of the Flying Mile chairlift that will take them up to the midway station where they will be led to the entrance of the trail. After taking visitors on a brief ascension, the trail slowly weaves its way down the hill through the woods, crosses streams and clearings. Participants can anticipate being on the pathway an average of one hour. Departures are continuous from sunset to closing, with a maximum of 300 people admitted per half-hour on the course." - Tonga Lumina

The entrance fee for an adult was $34 (including tax)
and we decided to just reserve our ticket since there were only 90 spot lefts for the first session, 19:30 and we didn't wanna go home late at night because it would be too dark to drive home.

We paid for the ticket before we started our hike.

Important thing before you hike,
take the freaking map!
At least that's what we did, 
because last year, Iman and Zain were lost
and they didn't have any map with them and there's no signal in the forest.
So, take the map!

We decided to go on the easy trail, the purple one before deciding on what are other trails we
wanna take after.
We thought that we didn't wanna do any hard trails since we'd be hiking at night for the Tonga Lumina,
so any trails but the hard ones would do.

We took the purple trail - a trail along the mountain stream
Level of difficulty: Easy
One way: 1km, 30 minutes
and we did come across this waterfall.

The next viewpoint we saw was:

I was already satisfied with this view, to be honest.
But I gotta challenge myself more.

So we hiked more till we saw the intersection
between green and purple trail.

Green trail - from the base to the summit via Ruisseaux trail.
Level of difficulty = hard
One way: 3.5km, 2 hours

We decided to continue on the green trail,
and we told each other that if we couldn't finish it,
we'd just turn back.

We took a break, had some snacks and sip of water at the next waterfall we saw
before continuing the hike.

Iman and Zain

The trail was hard,
it has many rocks that we had to climb,
muddy pavement because it was raining
and the trail was so steep.

I have the asthma problem
and hiking would either cause me to faint or almost die.
So the journey I took was really risky,
but I told myself to take this challenge,
and took one step at a time.

As we hiked, we saw a couple of groups and we would ask them
how long would it take to reach the top
and rough approximation somehow gave us hope.

We almost gave up at one point,
when Iman heard the sound of bear breathing and 
we were the only humans in that area.

She freaked out, but Zain didn't wanna give up
and I, as always, was the indecisive one.
I'd just go with the flow.

But Zain convinced us that it was not animal and we waited for more people
to be at the same location before continuing the hike.

Every time we encountered the map,
it was like a checkpoint for us.
"Yes, we did 1.5km already"
"We're halfway there!"
"We're almost there!"

My personal benchmark was the house on top of the mountain.
Whenever I saw the house,
it gave me hope and assurance that we're almost there.

Sometimes, we had to cross the non-foresty area and searched
for the green signboard to ensure that we're not lost.
The signs on the trees were really helpful,
if there weren't there, we would have been lost.

At the end of the green trail,
I could hear my heart literally screaming of happiness!
It's like an achievement unlocked for me!

Other people had conquered Mount Everest
and all the hard mountains around the world,
the 5km mount already made me feel like
I've conquered the world!

I was so happy because I never thought
I would hike a mountain in my life
and I never thought that I could even do that
due to my health issues.

But I guess the ones inside the mind and the heart,
the willingness and determination that motivate
me to keep going.

We're welcomed by two rainbows when we reached the top
and a free Gondola ride after having our lunch with the great view!

The rainbow that welcomed us :)

View from the Top

This wouldn't also be possible without Iman and Zain
because they kept pushing me to move forward.
It's a really great teamwork I would say!

We took the gondola down
since it's free haha
and we met the rest of the group.

View from Gondola

I realized that even though not everyone managed to reach the top,
it's good to know that everyone had fun!
Everyone had their own moments.

Some people came for the pictures,
for the food, for the luge, for the autumn colors,
for the hike, or for the view.

It doesn't matter whether one completes the hike or not
because in the end, it's everyone's individual achievement
and that's a personal matter.

When the MSA bus left,
I didn't.
I stayed for Tonga Lumina with Iman and Zain.

After dinner, we headed to the starting point of that event
and we're given amulets that changed colors based on the checkpoints.

Tbh, the beginning of the trail was kinda scary,
we saw no humans but amulets walking,
the music played sounded like a ritual
and we walked to a place,
where it felt like there'd be a human sacrifice ceremony.

But the multimedia projected on the trees of the forest
was well-designed!

The only thing we were disappointed about was the last checkpoint.
They failed to make us feel the need to come back.
So, I'd say Tonga Lumina was just a once in a lifetime thingy.
I'm glad I went, at least I knew how the event was like.

For some reasons, I wish there'd be fewer people
because at one point, we're just suffocating because there're too many humans
at a time.

Two of the things from bucket list checked!
- Hike Mont Tremblant in Fall
- Tonga Lumina

Stayed in bed till 5pm.
Took a long hot shower.
Glad there won't be any class on Monday because of the election.

Back to reality.

It's about time

I was in a strange place.
It's so white, I felt nothing but at peace.

As I walked, I realized that everyone would have
his/her own space.
No one talked to each other, but everyone knew
that there were other people around them.

I looked like a curious cat, wandering around
in a new place.
Others, they seemed to know this place so well.
I bet they had been here for a while now.

I saw Tok Abah from afar.
I was so happy and excited that I finally met someone I knew,
not a stranger, someone who's dear to me.

"Tok Abah!" I approached him.
He smiled at me but the smile he gave me was so familiar.
I had seen this smile on his face before.
This smile was the smile he gave to strangers on the street.
That smile, it was sweet but it broke my heart.

How could he forget me?
How could he not remember?
I was his first grandchild, the first one
to ever called him 'Tok Abah'.
And he's the one and only 'Tok Abah' in my life.
But he didn't remember me.

I cried.

Then, a woman came to me.

She told me,
"You must be new here.
It's about time, my dear.
When you first got here, 
you might remember everything from the Earthly world.
Your family, your friend.
You remember all the memories with them.
But soon, the memories will fade.
Just like him.
He forgot you, 
not because he wanted to,
but because it's about time 
for him to forget the world he left behind.
Soon, you'll be just like him."

I'm new? To this world?
The world that is not the Earth but it's also not the heaven?
Where am I?

I walked and walked,
wondering the last thing that happened to me,
and how did I end up here?

As I walked,
I saw Atok.
I smiled at him.
But he too didn't remember me.

I just sat next to him,
it felt like home again,
to be near someone I love.
Even though it hurts,
when they no longer have me in their memory.

I wonder how long will this feeling last?
And for how long will I remember, the life I left behind?

- A strange dream, Sept 25

Honey In The Sun - Camera Obscura

My week started off with,
waking up early for class,
trying to not fall asleep in the lecture because oh boy,
some professors can really be really monotonous God help!

While I was still in the class,
I received an email from the advisor stating that
I could still register for Into To Computer Vision,
so I could drop the course that made me 
edit the Shawn Mendes' song!??!!

Oh hello!
No Monday blues after!
Idk how hard that course is gonna be but I know
I won't do well in Operating System.

So fast forward
till tonight,
I'm studying all the lecture notes 
(I'm 6 lectures behind, RIP)

but the third lecture got me at

definitely reminded me of great high school days
I'm actually playing Honey In The Sun now!!

Who misses those moments?

If you're wondering what song it is,
here's the link to that:

Intro to Computer Vision
has been nothing but interesting.

We're learning how the camera works,
how to edit picture using phyton (still coding)
but what's coding when it's with something I love: photography hehe

Till the next time.

ps, I have a list of blog posts that I'm gonna post. Can't wait for more exciting contents!

I made a song to portray my feeling

This semester, I have to deal with 3 classes that involve coding.
While coding isn't my thing, I try to do my best to accept my fate.

At times when I feel so low
and contemplating my life decision,
I made a song
to express my feeling.

Lol, not really made a song.
I edited a song to fit my situation lol.

Play this song but sing with my lyrics instead.

Help me,
It's all the codes I've to deal with
Sometimes I feel like giving up but I just can't
It isn't in my blood

Staying on the fourth floor 
Feeling nothing
I'm overwhelmed and insecure
Give me something
I could finish this quickly

Just google them you'll get better
Just use github you'll feel better
Keep telling me that it gets better
Does it ever?

Help me,
It's all the codes I've to deal with
Sometimes I feel like giving up
No method is good enough

Someone help me
I'm crawling in my skin
Sometimes I feel like giving up but I just can't
It isn't in my blood

It isn't in my blood

Looking through my screen again
Feeling anxious
Afraid to do this again I hate this
I'm trying to find a way to chill
I can't breathe, oh
Is there somebody who could

Help me,
It's all the codes I've to deal with
Sometimes I feel like giving up
No method is good enough

Someone help me
I'm crawling in my skin
Sometimes I feel like giving up but I just can't

It isn't in my blood
It isn't in my blood

I need somebody now
I need somebody now
Somebody help me out
I need somebody now

Help me,
It's all the codes I've to deal with
Sometimes I feel like giving up but I just can't
It isn't in my blood

It isn't in my blood
It isn't in my blood

It isn't in my blood
I need somebody now
It isn't in my blood

I need somebody now
It isn't in my blood

Inspired by Shawn Mendes, In My Blood


I know, I know.
It's been a long time.

I've been writing all this while in my journal.

I'm gonna break the silence
by sharing some great news!

I woke up to an email from McGill Scholarship Department stating that

I received two awards:

1. The Rio Tinto - Richards Evans International Exchange Awards 

Awarded to outstanding undergraduate students in the Faculty of Engineering’s engineering degree programs and in the Desautels Faculty of Management to support formal international education exchange, internship or other university-sanctioned educational travel opportunities as a way of broadening their experience and ability to work effectively in diverse cultures and enterprises. 
Students selected should embody the leadership values of personal responsibility, integrity, accountability and mutual respect.
 It is intended that collectively these awards are made in a way to reflect the diversity of the University student population. 

2. The Dean's Honour List

for undergraduate students recognizes those who rank in the top 10% of the Faculty of Engineering, based on the combined GPA for all courses taken during the Fall and Winter terms. This is an official University recognition of your achievement and will be recorded on your academic transcript. 

My reaction was:
They must have forwarded the email to a wrong person!!!
This could not be true!

Then I reread again the name and student ID,
it's me!!!

This is probably something I never expected happening to my life
because you all know how depressed and miserable my life was at University.

Alhamdulillah, all praises to Allah
for the two wonderful awards and 
for giving me back the hope that I lost in me.

This is probably the highlight of my university life.

Thank you to my parents, grandparents, siblings, family, and friends
for the prayers and support.

ps, I will update my blog once I settled down.
I just got back from a 3-month Europe trip
and there's a lot of things to do right now.
Will catch up later!

My second 10 days of Ramadhan

#diariRamadhanAliah continues...

Ramadhan 11
Spent all day at the library
Had iftar with My Chikkas; Nusaiba, Tamima, Reem, Asma and Sara 
at Avesta, a Turkish restaurant.
Had lamb shank,

Ramadhan 12
Midterm FACC 300
Just ate what I cooked for iftar

Ramadhan 13
Studied for Final FACC 300
Ate curry and pita and chatime!

Ramadhan 14
Study for final
Eat what I had

Ramadhan 15
Study for final
Eat what I had

Ramadhan 16
FACC 300 Final
Graduation of Elisa, Iman and Dahlia
Iftar at Asma's
Playing firework, eat dumpling
Sleepover at Asma's because Tamima got locked out lol

Ramadhan 17
Iftar at Kak Roslina's

Ramadhan 18
Iftar at Jeanne Mance Park with Tamima and Asma

Ramadhan 19
Volunteer with Sister Sabria's Foundation (Al-Madina Centre)
Iftar there
Had Syrian rice

Ramadhan 20
Volunteer with Sister Sabria's Foundation (Al-Madina Centre)
Iftar there
Had nasi goreng ayam and Moroccan soup

Overall, doing little act of kindness like volunteering, celebrating my friends' big day and iftar with friends really make me a happy person.

Alhamdulillah for this opportunity