Honey In The Sun - Camera Obscura

My week started off with,
waking up early for class,
trying to not fall asleep in the lecture because oh boy,
some professors can really be really monotonous God help!

While I was still in the class,
I received an email from the advisor stating that
I could still register for Into To Computer Vision,
so I could drop the course that made me 
edit the Shawn Mendes' song!??!!

Oh hello!
No Monday blues after!
Idk how hard that course is gonna be but I know
I won't do well in Operating System.

So fast forward
till tonight,
I'm studying all the lecture notes 
(I'm 6 lectures behind, RIP)

but the third lecture got me at

definitely reminded me of great high school days
I'm actually playing Honey In The Sun now!!

Who misses those moments?

If you're wondering what song it is,
here's the link to that:

Intro to Computer Vision
has been nothing but interesting.

We're learning how the camera works,
how to edit picture using phyton (still coding)
but what's coding when it's with something I love: photography hehe

Till the next time.

ps, I have a list of blog posts that I'm gonna post. Can't wait for more exciting contents!

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