New Year? Yeay or nay?

I started the year not with a bang
but with more tears.
I'm not sure how will I face this year tho.
It's the year full of verdicts.
I am not sure what's mine.

I hope for the best, wish for the best.
I know being scared is not helping me at all,
even I have 112 days to go before the IB exam, but yeah.

112 days (if it's 12/1),
can't you see the coincidence?

Yes, I am scared
to know what my future holds.

I wish to get what I dream of
all these years.

I have 112 days to go, to prove my worth.
And you know, that's not my only reason, right?

To Peter Pan,
I'm wishing you all the best for your AS (few more papers to go)
and I will reward you with more subwaysss if you manage to get
good results *winks*

your little girl
(who will turn 20 in 2 hours)

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