I'm grateful for my boss.

I was in pain.
Idk what's the cause of my knee injury but it's been a week
that I suffered from it.
On Monday, it was getting worse because I sat on the floor for 
more than 2 hours and it was killing me to walk up the stairs.
Thank God for working elevator at the lrt station.

I couldn't sleep that night.
It was terrible. Changing my sleeping position was a nightmare.
I yelled because it hurt so badly.

In the morning, I couldn't even walk like a normal person.
My strong will pushed me to shower and get ready
because I had a meeting that morning.
But I couldn't walk a lot,
so I took a grab ride.

I texted in the work group -
I couldn't join them for breakfast
as my boss invited us for Nasi Kerabu at the cafe,
but I passed because I was late for that.

I straight away went to the meeting room
and my boss felt like bad because she didn't notice
that I was suffering for a week.
I told her, no it's just getting worse yesterday.

Jash let me borrow her knee guard
and I never knew its function till that day haha!

After the meeting,
during our lunch break,
she offered to take me to her chiropractor at Bangsar Village.
I felt bad for putting her in trouble,
but she said she had an errand to run at the same place,
so I agreed.

We arrived just in time before the peak hour
so my waiting time wasn't so long.
I did see the chiropractor to do 
body alignment (best decision ever!)
and to check on my knee.

Apparently,  I dislocated my knee joint but I waited way to long to get it 'fixed'.
The 'pop' sound when they fixed my knee was such a relief.
They used Chinese herbs - wrapped it on my knee before ending the treatment session.
And my boss was there the whole time I went through that process - iShy.

When I wanted to pay for the treatment,
I was told that I couldn't eat a list of things -
the most important one was Laksa! :(
I just made Laksa Penang for my week meal yesterday #sadlife
So I just kept the laksa inside the freezer because
I still want to have them after a week of this pantang!

We left Bangsar Village for a meeting
and my boss dropped me off at the lrt station after work
because she didn't want me to walk a lot.

I mean :'(

I never prayed for situation like this,
but this is such a blessing to have a boss who cares
and I pray to Allah for His mercy and care upon my boss and her family.

It reminds me that 
a touch of kindness goes a long way.
A touch of kindness that motivates me to do my best at work.
It develops immense level of respect towards someone.
It inspires me to be the kind of leader she is in the future.

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