Death is near, Aliah

Death is near, yet some people choose to believe that death can be delayed.
I've lost so many loved ones in recent years, 
my friends lost their loved ones, one after another.
It's just scary how death is near but we don't know when it's coming.

I fear death, I'm scared.
Because I don't know how it's gonna be like over there.
Does God think my deeds are enough?
Will the Angels of God greet me nicely?
How will afterlife be?
Will my loved ones and I be reunited?

Most of my living days, I spent
very little time to prepare for my death as opposed
to live the world like it's ever permanent.

I regretted it.

This Ramadhan, I saw the light
that I hope will stay forever.

Being able to recite the Quran
or read the tafseer make me realize
that God has warned us for
thousands of times that this life is nothing but a test.

This life is the time to prepare for something bigger,
something permanent.

The Quran is such a valuable gift,
without it, Muslims may not be guided till now.

God loves us so much, He portrays His love
in the Quran too.
He loves us so much that His warnings are made visible,
that we should/could read them daily,
anytime we want.

God loves us so much that no matter how 
big our sins were, He'd forgive us
and respond to our repentance.

The love of God is tremendous,
but why when we're tested,
we quickly judge him and 
fall out of faith?

Oh Allah,
forgive me for all my sins.

Oh Turner of the Hearts, keep our hearts firm on Your religion.

May Allah shower Ramadhan's blessing on all of us and
bestow His acceptance of our prayers and fast. 

1 comment

  1. May Allah forgives us and shower us with blessing. Aminn
