Shopee FInds - Newborn Gear Essentials

If you haven't already, do check out my previous post on Shopee Finds - Newborn Wardrobe Essentials :)

Hello there, in this post I'm gonna with you Shopee Finds - Newborn Gear Essentials.

Whether you’re on the move or relaxing at home, you’ll need to need have some key baby gear at the ready. After all, at some point you’re going to need your arms back! Here are the baby must-haves to have on hand:

ps, I might be biased towards one brand but I'm only sharing what I love hehe

  • Joie Baby Carrier Car Seat

  • This is great when you're commuting back and forth for clinic / hospital visitation during the early days of post-pregnancy. It's not safe to hold your baby in the car, and I found infant car seat is a little bigger for newborn Iryss. You don't have to spend a fortune for carrier car seat because when they turn 3 month, they might not fit this anymore.

    You can order yours from this link: joie baby carrier car seat

    • Infant car seat or convertible car seat

    This car seat can fit from baby up to 7-8 year old kid! Iryss sleeps so comfortably in this.

    You can order yours from this link: joie infant car seat

    • Stroller

    I prefer this 4-in-1 stroller but it's not really 4-in-one if you don't have the carrier and cot. But stroller comes in handy even we're not going out that much because Iryss would be in stroller when we're eating in the kitchen and there's a phase when she preferred sleeping in one. It's so worth it!

    You can order yours from this link: joie stroller

    These are all the products we own and we're lucky enough because our family and colleagues sponsor them for Iryss. We have to keep them in good condition so we can pass them to our future kids hahaha

    In my next video, I will share more on Newborn Nursery, Diapering and Bath Essentials :)

    Stay tuned!

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