Merajuk Day All Day

Last night, I had a fight with Pan.
We always fight during that time of the month, you know.
That peak time of the month,
I always want his attention, but I want my space, so don't talk to me
but please don't leave me.

Anyway, it was a silly fight.
Then it got better, till I joked about
him being selfish cause he didn't wanna be my plus 1
to my friend's wedding because of the pandemic.
Well, he did tell me not to go,
but I insisted.
So I told him he's saving himself, but not me.
My fault.
I went overboard.
So I said sorry, but he merajuk,
for 19 mins he didn't wanna talk to me
but I wouldn't wait, so I slept.

The next morning, I read his texts,
he's all fine. 
But now, it's my turn to merajuk.

I wanted to merajuk the whole day.
The whole working hour.
He said it's not fair because he only merajuk for 19mins.

I mean, yeah true. 
But I didn't talk to him the whole night,
so technically, I considered him merajuking the whole night.

So there're many attempts when he tried to text me,
I just ignored him.
But I replied to him at 1pm, with just a "Hi"

And ignored him back.

And replied after work.
I didn't have my lunch break today 
because I wanted to finish my work before 5pm.
So I did.
Being super productive.
Submitted my job, and then we talked on skype.

And bonded over an hour of Dr Yasir Qadhi's lectures on youtube,
followed by watching some Bollywood music videos.

All good. 

Basically, this is the merajuk cycle we're having
at least once a month.

This time, I didn't cry. 
Good job, Aliah.
You're getting tougher by days.

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