Why @petitemalaygirl?

People made fun of my size, like all the time.
I don't really mind, because I'm kinda used to it.
But it can get pretty annoying when
the only argument they can have against me
is just my size.
I'm short, I get it.
150cm, 4.92ft tall.

As I grow older,
I realized that the reasons why they still make fun
of my size, because
1. it's fun
2. I always act like it's not a big deal
3. Probably that's the only obvious flaws that they can point out,
hoping I will get offended and stop being myself lol.

Size doesn't matter.
We all know there is a lot of petite successful people out there
and although we have limited credibility for some job requirements (ie to be a runaway model),
there are still plenty more jobs for us!

Petite people always look younger.
I still shop at Zara kids section,
they have an amazing range of fashions,
and they're a lot cheaper than the adult ones.

They still charge me 'youth fee' whenever I enter
a museum or ride on public transport,
I'm not complaining or denying lol.

Some may see being short as a disadvantage,
but I think it's cool!

But seriously, why @petitemalaygirl?

I've clarified about my size,
now Malay, why?

I'm ethnically Malay, born in Malaysia.
While people always scare me that I might lose my identity
and custom when I study abroad,
I beg to differ.

I think I'm appreciating my culture, custom, and tradition
a lot more when being abroad,
simply because I'm a minority,
and whenever I.m craving for food,
I gotta cook them or
attend any Malaysians gathering
because it's impossible to eat Malaysian food outside.

I am not a professional dancer,
never dance to a Malay dance in school,
but I choreographed a Malay dance at McGill,
to showcase my culture to the school.

Living abroad, speaking English every day,
makes me wanna go home and speak my native language
because of some of the Malay expressions when they're translated to English,
they kinda lose their meaning.

And I still have my Malay accent when I speak English,
which at first I thought it's kinda embarrassing
but that's just who I am and how I speak.
The French still have a French accent when they're speaking English,
I found it really cute.
Ok, not saying I sound cute when having Malay accent,
I just feel like it's kinda unique.
(at least to people here)

And they will come to me,
"Oh, you have this accent, that we're not familiar with.
Where are you from?"


"Oh, Malaysia Truly Asia"

Yes, they all know that song haha!

The reason why I created a website and an Instagram page
for @petitemalaygirl
because I feel like that's the side of me that
@aliahnazamusa doesn't show.

She is expressive,
she's poetic,
she can be pretty romantic
and most importantly,
she's bold.
She's not afraid of people criticizing
her words,
she's not afraid of expressing her thoughts
even though they're not explicit.

She has no future planned properly,
she wants to try a little bit of everything,
she's still finding her niche.
She lets people judging her words,
but not her appearances.

She's just being herself,
she's adventurous,
always wants to try something new.

She may not necessarily be my alter ego,
but she's definitely a character that is important to me.

1 comment

  1. Will be waiting for you at the airport
