Life after IB

I still have 10s of Ilmfest session notes that I haven't posted.
I'm still working on them, insyaAllah.

Anyhow, I'm done with IB yeah!! Alhamdulillah!!
I am a free girl now, well not really but for the first
time in 2 years, I go home without homeworkss.

Invictus Dinner was, awesome and memorable.
I didn't eat much tho but it's the people that I met that
made my nite.

Then, we had BTN!

Biro Tatanegara at Kuarters KLIA. I didn't know much about
my country till that program and it wasn't bad at all.

If people said the program was to influence people to support
government, I would say they're wrong.
Instead, it's a program to make us love our country more.

Despite my contract with TNB, I still feel like I'm going to
serve back my nation, no matter what.

Because the money (scholarship) that I use now,
is definitely not my money.
It's the people's money.
I owe them, a lot.

I don't think I am that capable of being the Prime Minister
and Qim definitely doesn't want to become one hahaha,
hence I can't be the First
but hey, you don't have to be a politician to serve a nation, right?

I would want to announce my 3 month-business! Yeay!
The product is a surprise! But insyaAllah, some of the profit will be donated to
NGOs that handle humanitarian program.

This Wednesday's products will be an effort to help Malaysia4Syria collecting funds to help
our Muslim brothers and sisters in Syria, insyaAllah.

May Allah ease everything :D

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