
I think in my previous blog,
I've mentioned about expectations
for several times.

I was scared about people's expectation
on me, like a lot.

It's scary when I feel more afraid
of not keeping up to people's
expectation than mine.

I mean, did I live to impress people? Ugh.
That's so silly of me for doing that.

But like it or not,
today's society is somewhat like that.

I've overheard people
fighting over who got more likes
after posting the same exact picture.

I've seen people
lying about their academic results
because they want to look
good in public.

I've read also read Yuna's
statement in justifying her right
when people condemn about her fashion.
I second her.

You see,
she's doing the right thing
and we've never faced the
kind of questions, obstacles
that she has to go through
when she's performing
in the states. But the society
kept on complaining about her.

It saddens me when my own people,
the Malays are spending more time
on Facebook, expressing their hatred
speech, spreading lies (fitnah) here and there,
making so much of speculation
till it may create chaos and may jeopardise
the peacefulness of Malaysia;
it's ridiculous.

Not to forget, those who are being
sickly ungrateful for the good things
they enjoy today.

People keep on wanting and asking
for more, but we all tend to forget
how to be grateful and thankful for
what we have now.

Do we expect so much in life?
I bet yes.
Sometimes I expect so much in life.

I expect my life will be all about
happiness, yadayadayada, no problems,
free from tears, but no.

I'm afraid to live in today's world.
I feel that I am no longer in safe world.

Oh yeah.
I don't talk about what I plan to.

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