3 more exams?!

This semester,
I didn't know what did I do.
Tbh, I didn't have that much fun,
I hardly socialize with people,
I only watched 2 movies (Baar Baar Dekho and Fantastic Beasts)
and yeah, what did I do?

I mostly spending my time studying, 
completing my assignment and instagraming(?)

But my midterm marks were too depressing!

Some subjects I did terribly well, some were just,
the marks reflected how undeserving am I to be in McGill.
There's no in between.

I had two Math exams previously and 
1 of them was the one with terrible midterm,
1 was the one that I did well in.

And both of the exams were equally difficult.
 *ketuk kepala with all the thick books*

I checked on final grade online calculator
and the notification that I got was
"I'm so sorry, you need 170% for your finals to get a B+, hopefully, they will give you extra mark."

This notification had broken my heart to pieces,
crashing my hopes to dust and 
I can imagine the amount of tears that will be flowing from my eyes;
like Niagara Falls.

As for now,
I have to keep calm,
pretend like the curving system will be taken place
sometimes soon 
and I need to focus on another three subjects.........
which are.......
harder than the previous two........


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