When someone mentioned about Sharia Law to me

I learned this in high school.
Sharia Law,
sharia means law. It's an Arabic term.

But I do not have enough knowledge to correctly answer
non-Muslims question about this.
My bad.

I really need to study this stuff.

But all I know
sharia law covers a lot of different aspects in life,
it's a guide to live a good life on this world.

As a Muslim,
I believe that the world is just a transition phase before 
the Judgement Day and the life after that (akhirat).

Humans are created by God,
in a very unique way,
no human is the same.

Thus, to help humans living in this world,
peacefully, God gives us guidance.

He sent us the prophets and the holy scripts;
Muslims believe that the last prophet is Muhammad SAW and 
the holy script that Muslims should all believe in is the Holy Quran.

In the Quran,
there're many verses that can be used to guide us everyday
however, some verses need deeper interpretation and should be supported by Hadiths 
and the meaning cannot be interpreted by just one single line.
Therefore, there's a special field that we can venture, The Study of Quran.

Back to Sharia Law,
some of the aspects that are covered by this law
are hygiene and purification, economic law, dietary law,
theological obligation, marital jurisprudence, customs, rituals,
dress code and about non-muslim status.

People always argue how Sharia Law is so violent by referring to 
the death penalty and all other punishments
and they often confuse about customs and traditions vs religions.

Not all Arabs are Muslims!
It's true! 
This has been a fact since the Age of Prophet Muhammad,
thus we cannot judge the Sharia Law just based on the laws carried out by the Arab countries.

Often, people will backfire Sharia Law 
for its punishments.  
But for one sec, can you please read through all of the articles related to Sharia Law
and really understand the point of having this law as a human guidance?

For example,
Muslims have to pay zakat, it's an obligation, to help the poor.
It's equivalent US Social Security or UK National Insurance.
The law recognizes private and community properties and it guides us how to 
carry out our social obligation well.

Based on Sharia Law as well,
in the context of Islamic Military Jurisprudence,
during war,
it's is forbidden to kill women and children,
it's forbidden to fight those who are mentally and physically disabled,
harming civilian areas are also forbidden,
Muslims must make proper declaration of war prior to the commencement of military operations. 
Thus, surprise attacks are illegal under the Islamic jurisprudence. 

There're so many pros of Sharia Law that people tend to overlook,
but I don't blame them for not knowing those facts,
we need to tell them,
we need to explain to them.

As stated above and I want to make this crystal clear;
I am really not an expert in Sharia Law,
I can only share what I know by heart.
I have to learn more about my religion
and improve myself.

I am sharing this to help some people
who are as confused as I was before.

I used to think that non-muslims are all bad people,
but it's a completely wrong fact
cause a religion doesn't determine someone's level of kindness.
Religious practices may help humans in some ways and it's too complicate
to explain about the correlation between religions and humans' behaviour.

there're good Muslims too out there!
Don't just assume all Muslims are terrorist :)

Be kind. To every human being.
You leave nothing but happiness in yourself :)

1 comment

  1. True. Also, I believe hudud is hard to implement in today's society where religion us used to get what they want (sell products, etc). So it wouldn't really be implemented in a perfect manner.

    A lot of people tend to forget that hudud can be implemented ikut kesesuaian zaman. It's difficult to get 4 witness to see people actually having sex (because that's crazy and disgusting), so maybe they can change that.

    Also, I read somewhere that Rasulullah mentioned that the punishments are designed in such a way to reduce people from being punished. They don't want Islam to be seen as harsh to its followers. There's this one story about a guy who confessed to Rasulullah about his sin but Rasulullah still didn't want to believe him because of a reason I don't remember. Not sure if it's true or not but I've seen this floating around on the Net for a long time.
