Insecurities - How I Overcome Them

Last weekend I had a complete breakdown for being insecure.
It sucked.
The thought of "Will I ever be good enough" is killing me.
I was sad, depressed and couldn't help but to compare myself to others.

Oh this person has a master,
I haven't gotten my degree yet but we're at the same age.

Oh they are already working,
I still haven't secured a job yet.

Oh they love their job,
I still haven't figured out what I love doing yet.

Will I ever successful?
When will I discover my talent?
What is my talent? 
When can I turn my talent into passion?

I compare myself to so many young, successful people
and I cried thinking about will I ever get there.

After talking about it
to Pan,
I realized that I shouldn't feel that way in the first place.

it's a temporary feeling that one can encounter
at any point of life.
I encounter that feeling once in a while
but I guess it's pretty normal.

I couldn't avoid feeling insecure 
when I see people on social media 
achieving bigger dreams,
living an amazing life etc.

But I guess,
it all depends on 
how I respond to the insecurities
that will determine the kind of person I want to be.

Feeling insecure,
comparing myself to others,
will only be beneficial if I respond in the right way.

So, this is how I overcome my insecurities.

1. Take it as an encouragement
I may compare myself to someone who is more successful than me,
but the comparison I make should encourage me to be as successful/more successful.
I should be happy for all the successful people that I know
because they work hard to be who they are today,
and what they achieve.

2. Timing is everything
I am sure everyone at some point in life, has a dream,
already works hard for it,
but yet the dream has not become a reality.
It's not because we haven't worked hard enough,
or we're not lucky,
or the universe is unfair.
No, it's because everyone has different timing in life.

I will graduate at the age of 24,
some people are already married at 24,
some are already blessed with kids at 24.
Some have amazing careers at 24,
some have successful businesses at 24.
Some have traveled the world at 24,
some have owned a house at 24.

Maybe I will be there,
the place I wanna be at a certain point in my life,
but I cannot be certain on the age,
because my timing is different than others
and that's the beauty of trusting Allah's plan.
What we dream of,
will come true,
it may not be exactly like we dream of,
but it will definitely be the best thing that has ever happened.

3. Be grateful and thankful

I complained about my packed class schedule
or having to stay at the lab till late at night;
but some people are dreaming to study at the university that I am now.

I complained about having to cook every week
because to eat out is just so expensive;
but many people are starving and all they want is just a slice of bread.

I complained about not knowing what to do in life,
and thinking whether I will love the job that I will be assigned to,
but some people are looking for jobs for months.

I envy those people who get to make a living by traveling the world,
but some people never even get the chance to ride on a plane or travel outside of their countries.

God has answered so many of my prayers,
most of my dreams have come true,
and why do I still compare my life to others?

I should be thankful and grateful for all the blessings.

1 comment

  1. Well said and great tips. But just fyi, pan neverlands so im pretty sure youre such a lucky girl to be able to talk to him about this. Cheers
