Juice Fasting Day 2

I'm done with juice fasting day 2!

I really love my juice yesterday
because it has kiwi in it!

I am struggling with juice fasting day 3;
ugh because I don't really like
the taste of kale and celery;
so I am drinking it while tutup my hidung!

But I shall do this, for my skin.

I dreamed of a flawless face last night,
I took that as a sign that what I do now is working!
There's slight improvement on my face,
I shall drink more green tea and apple cider vinegar (ACV) tho.

now I am using ACV as my toner;
I hope it works!

the matcha green tea that I bought from amazon
is really effective!
It gives me energy and helps me to stay focus;
I love love love it!

I do hope it gives improvement on my skin as well.

As for now,
I have POLI243 class waiting for me!

(I am taking as many political science classes as I can,
because I am planning on taking it as my minor.)

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