Am I too late?

New Year Resolution

I haven't done my New Year resolution yet for this year.
I can't think of any yet,
so I guess I need to do this, 
because if not,
I will be living without having goals 
and that's so not me.
(Didn't get myself a dUCK planner, so yeah :/)

I usually did my NY resolutions earlier but
I was just too busy with NY (New Year in New York :P)

During NY trip,
I am inspired by Brena's way of studying.
She's spending most of her time during the weekdays,
studying till 3am and Saturday is a complete off day,
then Sunday, full time studying of doing the lab thing.

I have been planning on doing that since last semester.

1. I shall be doing that this semester.
Studying everyday, 
only travel during holiday break.
I need to get better result this semester!!!

I am inspired with how Haseira does her monthly budget,
spending 20$ only for groceries per month.
And so

2. Spend less, save more!
I will stop spending my money on Starbucks and only drink green tea!
I also have milo, so that would be my chocolat chaud.

I also talk to Has and Brena about our travel planning,
and guess I shall save up more for travelling.

I like travelling and seeing amazing places, 
it brings me closer to Allah, 
isn't it good?
I mean, it's tres amazing!

Kak Rafidah is the one that inspires me to do all this detoxification thing, so I do what I think suits me (see my previous post). Hence..

3. I shall start living healthy lifestyle, hence I will do juice fasting 7 days in every month.
I shall eat more fruit and drink more juice and green tea.
I will also finish my vitamin on time and dance whenever I have time.
I shouldn't gain weight! Especially it's winter now. Ugh.

4.  See more of Allah's creations :D
Places I want to go this year, 2016
Malaysia (I am damn homesick okay)
South Korea, again

5. I want to blog at least once a week,
will try to fit that in my schedule.

6. Spend more time at home, make my room as library,
because it gets darker earlier,
and it's not good for me to go back alone, at night.
(I have to be good girl haha!)

7. Enhance my photography skill because I am still a noob.
So far, that's the thing I like most.
I am starting to be the girl behind the camera more hahah!

8. Read. I am lacking of time to read good books now,
so I shall start doing great things for my brain.
So, I shall reciting Quran everyday, insyaAllah.

9. I want to save up, to bring my parents to Umrah before/right after I graduate 
(definitely before I get married)
I really wanna be a good daughter,
because when I'm gone, 
at least my parents will remember me as the good daughter 

10. Do good to everyone, keep in touch with old friends, replying to messages or emails
(I keep forgetting to reply the messages I've read. Pardon my short term memory okay?)

11. I will spend less money on unnecessary things. I think
I've stated this before I keep on forgetting this point, so
I shall restate whenever I could.

12. It's my favourite number, so I will write this for my favourite person.
Hi Qim! My new year resolution;
I will try avoiding being oversensitive and less selfish
and think more about your feelings because this whole relationship
is not only about me, but us.
Hence, I will try my best to do what I can do to mend what's not right.
But I still want my Tiffany&Co. no matter what :P

I hope I can fulfil all my resolutions.
To a better year.
Happy new year, everyone!

the name you'll never forget!

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