Someone like you

Adele's song is really heart-breaking sometimes,
esp this one because the guy got married to another girl
and it's sad ok?

It's sad when you don't marry someone you love.
The thought of it is killing me!

But whenever I sing that song
(I sing in my heart only cause my voice can cause snow storm)
I remember my dad.

The whole school knows how I wish to marry someone like my dad
even though I know how protective he can be.

I cannot sleepover at my friends' houses till I reached 18.
I couldn't hang out with them will I reached 18.

Even after 18,
I still have written formal letter to my dad,
asking for his permission to go out.

You have no idea how much tears I wasted just for a single hangout!

How many days I have to convince him that it will be a healthy hangout,
my mum will send me, I will be back before maghrib.

Okay, that's hard.

But I still want to marry someone like my dad.


1. Even though he acts like a king at home, like literally the king,
you know, dads, yet he treats my mum as a queen.
I don't see logical explanation there, but I can feel it.

2. He treats his daughters as princesses,
he always grants our wishes, even though it takes time.
Wishes = presents, not when you wish to travel with your friends before 18.
I wished to have a DSLR and go to Disneyland when I was 15, he granted it.
Lucky girl, I know.
But most of them, he grants our wishes because we deserve them.
(Have to put extra efforts to score exams to get those gifts)

3. He is a real busy dad, he works in Labuan, he has family in Malacca, he has to fly weekly just to spend time with us, but he manages it well. He knows he has a family, he is a family guy.

4. He has his own expectation on each of his kids. 
It's just me or it's just the way he is, but I feel he has a really high expectation on me and
sometimes it kills me inside. I hate it when I can't reach others' expectation because they have faith in me, I just destroy them to pieces.
But it's good because I will work hard on that.

5. His leadership skills are the best. He is not a boss, he is a leader. He is not ashamed to correct his mistakes, he keeps on improving himself, he reads a lot, he inspires me.

6. He instills great values in me, he always teaches us to respect others because others matter, we don't. We have to always respect them because respect is not given, it's earned.
I even talked about respect during a leadership camp that I attended, because
that's his everyday advice to us.

7. He is acting so protective because he loves. He doesn't wanna lose the ones he loves. When I put that into perspective, it makes hell lots of sense. Who wants to lose his kids?
'Lose' doesn't only mean death. 
It applies to identity, religions too.
He acknowledges how a teenager can easily be influenced by bad things, therefore he protects us.

I want to marry someone who

1. will treat me like his queen, love me as much as my dad loves me
2. will grant my wishes whenever I deserve 
3. is a family guy, family comes first no matter what
4. has certain expectation on me
5. is a leader, who can inspire me.
6. can correct me whenever I make mistakes, respect my decision and respect my family.
7. will protect me, and trust me.

Maybe I have found someone with most of the qualities.
Maybe he has to learn more from his experiences, and he will understand me more as we go through this life together.
4 years are still not enough :P
Happy 4th year of dramas, Peter Pan.

After all,
my dad is still my king :)

Love you, ayah.
(Thank you for the flight ticket, I miss you too!)

See you in 2 months, Malaysia.